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paruthy18 1446 – Avstängd
Postad: 24 apr 2018 21:22

Travel- kan nån rätta den?

som träning inför NP har jag skrivit den här texten. jag är ingen bra på engelska att det finns säkert massor av fel så kan nån av er rätta fel i texten ... 


Since the existence of humans, we have been working actively to make our daily life easy. The invention of fire and the wheel led to the invention of other great inventions, which makes our daily life comfortable and easier. By the inventions, we affected our day to day life and get so much time to explore the world and evolution of transport means make possible to travel over long distances in a short time. In this 21st century, we travel a lot more than our ancestors in time did together.


By the way, traveling is absolutely a good thing. Travelling gives us such a nice experience and very instructive in their own way, regardless of where we travel. Traveling to other countries than our helps to update us and has so many other advantages.

One of the Important problems in the Swedish society is Xenophobia. by traveling we can definitely change our society to non-xenophobic society. When we travel to other countries than Sweden, we get through different cultures, traditions, ideologies, and lifestyles of other peoples. As we know about other cultures and ways of living though, we may be used to it, so we won`t think immigrants in Sweden are strange and have a strange way of living. It will lead to us become more friendly to immigrants. By this way, we can create an integrated and non-xenophobic society.

List of advantages of traveling is endless but we can`t definitely say traveling has only advantages. In some cases, the travelings disadvantages may be greater than benefits.

A great disadvantage with traveling is, the way we choose to travel. When we talk about traveling can word travel means both short and long-distance travel. A short distance travel can be done by foot, bicycle, car etc and a long distance travel can do by airplane, train, bus or other means. In nowadays, mostly in the western world, we choose mostly cars and flights to travel, respectively short and long distance. It can be very positive to us because costs are relatively less for an average European but the negative effect is all about the mother nature. Also, fuels for our cars and planes comes mostly from fossil fuels which emitting great amount of CO2 with combustion. CO2 is a greenhouse gas which helps to global warming and global warming in its turn led to climate changes and melting of snow which can help sea level to increase and cause the flood in countries that situated in the coast like Bangladesh and even Maldives has chances to go down under the sea level. ( NI FÖRSTÅR VAD JAG MENAR MED DET HÄR SISTA ELLER? ALLTSÅ TYP SÅ ATT MALDIVERNA KOMMER SJUNKA UNDER HAVET ELLER HAVSNIVÅN KOMMER BLI HÖGRE ÄN MALDIVERNAS LANDNIVÅN ……. JAG KUNDE INTE SKRIVA MER ÄN SÅ PÅ ENGELSKA SNÄLLA HJÄLP MIG MED DET!!!!)

Although the disadvantages look more dangerous, we can not conclude that traveling has many disadvantages that we must reduce traveling because traveling is not only a good experience but also a method to learn this world and a good weapon to make this world better. So the thing we must do is, change the way we travel. Some ways to travel environmentally friendly are, if you travel a short distance, choose bike or public transport means like a bus. If it is a long distance travel then choose train or boat. It does not mean that you can go to Asia by train or boat, but if you travel within Europe then you can choose this method.

If we follow this method, you can travel as much you want at the same time as you traveling environmental friendly.

AlvinB 4014
Postad: 24 apr 2018 21:56

Jag hade tyvärr bara tid att gå igenom första stycket, så här får du lite feedback på det.

Since the existence of humans, we have been working...

existence låter ganska konstigt här, man säger ju inte "sedan mänsklighetens existens", utan snarare "sedan mänsklighetens begynnelse", något som jag på engelska skulle översätta som "since the dawn of humanity".

working actively to make our daily life easy

Ordföljden låter lite konstig här. Jag skulle säga "actively working to..." istället. Jag skulle även byta ut easy mot easier, man säger ju inte "göra livet lätt", utan "göra livet lättare".

The invention of fire and the wheel led to the invention of other great inventions, which makes our daily life comfortable and easier.

Du använder 'invention' väldigt många gånger i den här meningen. Jag skulle snarare säga "The invention of fire and the invention of the wheel led to other great innovations (istället för inventions, så man får lite variation), making our lives easier and more comfortable."

By the inventions, we affected our day to day life and get so much time to explore the world and evolution of transport means make possible to travel over long distances in a short time.

"By the inventions" låter konstigt, jag skulle istället bara säga "The inventions have affected...". life ska också vara i plural eftersom vi pratar om våra liv, alltså flera, "our day-to-day lives". Jag skulle även byta ut "get so much time" mot "...lives, giving us more time to explore the world". Det här med evolution of transport skulle jag sätta i en ny mening, "explore the world. The evolution of transport has made it possible to travel long distances in a short time."

In this 21st century, we travel a lot more than our ancestors in time did together.

Man säger inte "In this 21st century", utan "In the 21st century...". Jag antar att du i sista delen av meningen försöker säga "vi reser mer än alla våra förfäder sammanlagt". Det skulle jag skriva som "we travel more than all of our ancestors put together".

paruthy18 1446 – Avstängd
Postad: 24 apr 2018 22:37

tack såååå mycket .... nu förstår jag mina fel!!!

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