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lamayo 2576
Postad: 17 feb 2019 13:47

Arguments och rhetorics figures

Vilka är argumenten och de retoriska figurerna i följande tal?

Greta Thunberg’s speech at COP24, dec 2018, Katowice, Poland

Many people say that Sweden is just a small country and it doesn’t matter what we do. But I’ve learned that you are never too small to make a difference. And if a few children can get headlines all over the world just by not going to school then imagine what we could all do together if we really wanted to. But to do that we have to speak clearly no matter how uncomfortable that may be.  

You only speak of green eternal economic growth because you are too scared of being unpopular. You only talk about moving forward with the same bad ideas that got us into this mess. Even if the only sensible thing is to pull the emergency break. You are not mature enough to tell it like it is. Even that burden you leave to us children. But I don’t care about being popular. I care about climate justice and the living planet.  

Our civilization is being sacrificed for the opportunity of a very small number of people to continue making enormous amounts of money. Our biosphere is being sacrificed so that rich people in countries like mine can live in luxury. It is the sufferings of the many that pay for the luxuries of the few.  
The year 2078 I will celebrate my 75th birthday. If I have children maybe they will spend that day with me. Maybe they will ask me about you. Maybe they will ask why you didn’t do anything while there still was time to act. You say you love your children above all else. And yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes.  

Until you start focusing on what needs to be done rather than what is politically possible, there is no hope. We cannot solve a crisis without treating it as a crisis. We need to keep the fossil fuels in the ground. And we need to focus on equity. And if solutions are within this system are so impossible to find, maybe we should change the system itself.  

We have not come here to beg world leaders to care. You have ignored us in the past and you will ignore us again. We have run out of excuses and we are running out of time. We have come here to let you know that change is coming whether you like it or not. The real power belongs to the people.  


Jag hittade fyra stycken argument till anledningen att vi ska agera. 

  • It´s necessary if we want a living planet
  • We are never to small to make a difference.
  • The children´s future gets stolen just because a few people care about money, living luxury life and being popular.
  • Justice


De retoriska figurer jag hittade är dessa:

  • Pull the emegency break.
  • Their very eyes.


Har svårt att hitta främst de retoriska figurerna. 

Tacksam för tips!

Johankingen 67
Postad: 28 feb 2019 13:29 Redigerad: 28 feb 2019 13:30

"Even if the only sensible thing is to pull the emergency break. You are not mature enough to tell it like it is. Even that burden you leave to us children. But I don’t care about being popular. I care about climate justice and the living planet." Bör vara en anafor, retoriskt figur.

lamayo 2576
Postad: 28 feb 2019 14:31
Johankingen skrev:

"Even if the only sensible thing is to pull the emergency break. You are not mature enough to tell it like it is. Even that burden you leave to us children. But I don’t care about being popular. I care about climate justice and the living planet." Bör vara en anafor, retoriskt figur.


Johankingen 67
Postad: 1 mar 2019 11:30

repetition av ett ord räknas som anafor. even är i det här fallet anafor. det var inte så mycket
