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HaCurry är nöjd med hjälpen
HaCurry 235
Postad: 27 feb 2017 21:54

Bedöm min text

Är den hemsk är den dålig, ge kritik, betygsätt om du har tid,

Jag kommer nu bara välja en artikel i Metro och skriva om den, det är ganska slumpartad som jag kommer nog antagligen inte ha någon aning om ämnet


A discussion about "Här är Sveriges värsta Djurplågare" an article by John Wikén, published: 27 Feb 2017

John Wikén the writer talks about the Swedish juridical choices made during animal crime, he brings up several cases where animals have been treated with bad care, and as a result been brought up to court. In court Wikén thinks the juridical system has made the wrong choices, not giving a single person prison gives the message that Wikén is upset, even though the article is very one sided not bringing up anything about what the judges has to say, Wikén makes a clear point that when animals are killed or even badly hurt, they should get a much worse punishment than what the judges chooses to usually do. On of the cases Wikén chooses to bring up is how a man decided to stomp to death a little birds child.

PeterÅ 842
Postad: 28 feb 2017 17:26 Redigerad: 28 feb 2017 17:38

Ingen fullständig bedömning men:

1. Inget komma före and (kolla hela texten).
2. Syftningsfel:
Wikén makes a clear point that when animals are killed or even badly hurt, they should get a much worse punishment.
they syftar här på djuren, att de ska straffas för att de behandlas illa eller dödas. Tror inte du menar det.
3. Byt ut chooses to usually do mot normally decide.
4. Byt ut chooses to bring up mot selects
5. On of ->One of

HT-Borås 1287
Postad: 28 feb 2017 17:44

Meningen är lite otydlig ibland. Jag skulle skriva ungefär så här:

John Wikén, the writer, talks about Swedish juridical decisions made regarding crime against animals. He brings up several cases, where animals have been treated with bad care, and as a result the perpetrators were brought to court. In court Wikén thinks the legal system has made the wrong choices; not sentencing a single person to prison gives a message which upsets Wikén. Even though the article is very one-sided and not bringing up anything about what the judges have to say, Wikén makes a clear point that when animals are killed or even badly hurt, the perpetrators should get a much worse punishment than what the judges usually decide upon. One of the cases Wikén brings up is how a man decided to stomp a little bird's child to death.

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