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ChrisV är nöjd med hjälpen
ChrisV 4 – Fd. Medlem
Postad: 5 jun 2020 20:13

En fraga med fyrhörningar

En fyrhörning ABCD viks kring diagonalen AC, vars mittpunkt är E. Beräkna den spetsiga vinkeln mellan linjerna AB och AD, då vinkeln BED är  60∘ . 


Apologies, I'm taking SFI right now and doing Math2b but I'm having issues with this question. My main issue is how this would even be drawn. Does it mean four points (ABCD), draw a line from A to C (indicating a fold), and E is the middle point of A to C? The issue here is it claims BED is 60∘ and I cannot seem to visualize that when drawn (Most likely I am not understanding this right.)

Smaragdalena 78462 – Lärare
Postad: 5 jun 2020 20:38

Place the diagonal AC as a diameter in a circle. B and D are situated on the circumference, closer to C than to A. Then you can use "randvinkelsatsen".

ChrisV 4 – Fd. Medlem
Postad: 5 jun 2020 21:35


Would it look something like this?

Smaragdalena 78462 – Lärare
Postad: 5 jun 2020 21:51

Yes, but you've forgotten to draw ABCD.

ChrisV 4 – Fd. Medlem
Postad: 5 jun 2020 21:55 Redigerad: 5 jun 2020 22:03

I'm guessing it would be sort of like that?


Edit: If that the case then the angle at A would be 30 I believe.

Smaragdalena 78462 – Lärare
Postad: 5 jun 2020 22:21

30o is my answer, too.

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