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anjaljoljic 10 – Fd. Medlem
Postad: 7 jan 2021 22:16


1. First, let’s take a look at Queen Victoria’s son Leopold’s family (see Figure

2). His daughter, Alice of Athlone, had one hemophilic son (Rupert) and
two other children—a boy and a girl—whose status is unknown.

(a) What is the probability that her oher son was hemophilic?
(b) What is the probability that her daughter was a carrier? Hemophilic?
(c) What is the probability that both children were normal?

anjaljoljic 10 – Fd. Medlem
Postad: 7 jan 2021 22:17


mag1 9043
Postad: 7 jan 2021 23:05

Det går inte att lägga in länkar till dokument du har sparat på din egen dator. Prova på något annat sätt. 

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