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AbouAli87 147
Postad: 24 nov 2022 19:37

Gramatik behöver hj'lp

To start with, Sherman Alexies wrote an awesome book that tells you about how poor people have it in the reservation in the US.     

   It is a poor reservation with poor people, But everything bad has a white side.  

   That is what Junior thinks, He thinks he lives in a family that cares about him, not like these white people, their parents don't care about them , and that one thing that is when Penelopes (Juniors girl ) father said 

  “Kid, if you get my daughter pregnant, if you make some charcoal babies, I’m going to disown her. I’m going to kick her out of my house and you’ll have to bring her home to your mommy and daddy. Are you hearing me straight, kid? This is all on you now.”  

   Junior's feeling was whose father is like that just kicking out their special kid like that. 

   The thing is when  Junior scores on his former team and blocks Rowdy he felt flying like a bird, It was just such a good feeling.  


   The thing that influenced me the most was how the poor people live, I got to know how the poor people live in the big and rich countries  

   When the author is telling us about his experience. I see that it's not only the people in Syria who lost their father and mother in war, I mean the rez and Syria's poor people. It's not like the oldest get drunk but they lose each other. One of them dies, the other one goes to prison and nobody knows anything about him. People lose hope because  they think that the person who is in the prison is dead. 

   The thing I have learned from “The Absolutely true diary of a part-time indian ” is how people live in the USA, not everyone is rich like what we see in the movies. It even shows us how black people have it out there. 

   Finally . I want to say that the book tells the truth about today’s Society. 


rätta snälla

ettpyre 20
Postad: 28 nov 2022 13:22



jag kan highlighta två grammatiska fel åt dig:

I första stycket kan du inte säga ”how the pool people have it”. Jag skulle istället sätta in ett verb, tex hur de fattiga lever.

”everything bad has a white side” låter fel. Du kan inte säga att allt dåligt har en vit sida. Skriv istället att allt dåligt har en ljus sida. 


Hur skulle du ändra dessa två meningar?

AbouAli87 147
Postad: 28 nov 2022 20:14

Så det blir 

How the poor people live

och den andra 

Everything bad has a white side 

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