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Angie 33
Postad: 25 maj 2021 18:42

The circulatory system

Hi, I am writing about the lymphatic system that part of the circulatory system and could you guys please check if I got what the circulatory system is in this text? Thank you

"According to Savvas Realize the circulatory system is made up of blood vessels and it transports oxygen, nutrients, and other substances throughout the body by carrying blood away from or towards the heart and it gets rid of waste from tissues."

mag1 9041
Postad: 25 maj 2021 21:29

I do not know at what level/course you are studying, hence the level of feedback is a bit tricky to guess, but I'll give it a go.

You do not need to quote Savvas Realize as a source, the circulatory system is well known. In fact the earliest recorded documentation relating to the circulatory system dates as far back as to 1600 b.c.

The facts in your description are accurate, however it requires more information and details to give more of a comprehensive description of the circulatory system. For instance these parts are involved in he circulatory system but not mentioned; why is circulation needed, the two sub-branches for blood, the lymphatic system, oxygen/carbon dioxide transport, nutrient/waste transport, the organ that is powering the circulation.

Angie 33
Postad: 26 maj 2021 10:12

Oh, thank you! 

I am a third year student in gymnasium, and this is a essay for Naturkunskap 2. 

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