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Plugga12 823
Postad: 23 jan 2023 10:36

T S Eliot, modernismen


Är det någon som vet vad T S ELiot hade för betydelse för modernismen utveckling?  

Jonto 9258 – Moderator
Postad: 23 jan 2023 17:29

Jag kan inte så mycket själv men lyckades googla fram detta:

In 1922, his status was confirmed by the publication of The Waste Land.  Appearing as it did in the same year as James Joyce’s Ulysses, the 434-line poem helped mark 1922 as a magical year in high modernism.  Allusive, musical, and formally and linguistically complex, The Waste Land both diagnosed the chaos of modernity and provided an example of how art could order this experience; it expressed a widespread feeling of exhaustion and cultural crisis in the aftermath of the First World War.  Like Ulysses, it mimicked and mined the different voices of urban life to create a bewildering and complex polyphony, and like Joyce’s novel it used recursive patterning and mythic parallels to provide some semblance of organic harmony.

Hämtat från källa: https://campuspress.yale.edu/modernismlab/t-s-eliot/

Detta kanske också kan ge något: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYuVdN-qgdA

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